
See My Hands and Feet

Touch that soothes and heals the hurting,

Hands that break a loaf of bread;

Steps that walk beside the weary,

Bearing burdens in their stead:


See my hands and feet, said Jesus,

Love arisen from the grave.

Be my hands and feet said Jesus,

Live as ones I died to save.


Feed the hungry, clothe the naked,

Visit ones in need of care,

Give the homeless warmth and shelter:

Christ will find a welcome there.


Love and serve without distinction

All earth's people, first and least.

Know within each act of kindness

Hope and wholeness are increased.


Hands that beckon little children,

Bind a wound, prepare a meal;

Feet that rush to share good tidings,

Christ arisen, still reveal.


See my hands and feet, said Jesus,

Love arisen from the grave.

Be my hands and feet said Jesus,

Live as ones I died to save.