
My Soul Longs for the Lord

My soul longs for the Lord

In a weary land.

Wells are dry and I am empty,

Only dust in my hands.

How I yearn for streams of mercy,

Where my soul can be restored;

"Come and drink," Jesus calls me,

"And you will thirst no more."

Oh the fullness of Christ –

Word of God, Word of Life.


Living Word, You walked among us,

Our Emmanuel;

And You spoke into the darkness,

Broke the powers of hell.

Grace and mercy flowed from Calv'ry

To the valley of our need;

It is done, "It is finished,"

From ev'ry sin set free.

Oh the vict'ry of Christ-

Word of God, Word of Life.


How often in the stillness

Have I heard Your voice;

Ev'ry whisper, ev'ry promise

Calls my heart to rejoice.

In the quiet of the morning,

Through the watches of the night;

In the fire of my struggles,

There's courage for the fight.

Oh the power of Christ –

Word of God, Word of Life.


My soul longs to walk closer

With the Lord I serve.

More than riches, more than favor,

I delight in Your Word.

Turn my gaze from 

All that's worthless,

Set my heart on things above;

May my life tell Your goodness,

Your way of truth and love.

Oh the wisdom of Christ –

Word of God, Word of Life.


My soul longs for the day

I will see Your face;

Hear Your shout of jubilation,

No more tears, death or pain.

Ev'ry word at last accomplished,

Heaven sings and earth replies:

"To our God be the glory,

Let all creation cry;

Praise an honor to Christ –

Word of God, Word of Life.


Joni Bailey
Administrative Assistant
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
704 364-1234 *