
Our Creed

Listen: GSPC (same as below) :: 


Date: Sermon Text :: notes
  • 09-14-08: :: mp3 (Robert WL) 
Identifying Artist:


We believe in God the Father
Who made Heaven and the earth
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son
Born of the Virgin Birth

We believe that Jesus suffered
Nails in His feet and hands
We believe that He died upon the cross
On the third day rose again

This is our creed,
It binds us together
The power of God's Word
Uniting us forever
Together we stand and proclaim
Our creed

We believe our Lord ascended
To the right hand of God
We believe that He will judge this world
On the day of His return

This is our creed,
It binds us together
The power of God's Word
Uniting us forever
Together we stand and proclaim
Our creed

This is our creed,
It binds us together
The power of God's Word
Uniting us forever
Together we stand and proclaim
Our creed