
Let God Arise

Listen: Chris Tomlin (studio, live) :: 


Date: Sermon Text :: notes
  • 04-24-11: :: mp3 (Mike WL; full band; F)
  • 01-30-11: :: mp3 (Katie WL; full band good mix; D) **
  • 01-09-11: :: mp3 (Robert WL; full band, gtr prominent; F)  
  • 06-08-08: :: mp3 (Robert WL; F)
  • 06-01-08: :: mp3 (Robert WL; slower tempo; F)
Identifying Artist: Chris Tomlin


Hear the holy roar of God resound
Watch the waters part before us now
Come and see what He has done for us
Tell the world of His great love

Our God is a God who saves
Our God is a God who saves

Let God arise
Let God arise
Our God reigns now and forever
He reigns now and forever

His enemies will run for sure
The church will stand, she will endure
He holds the keys of life, our Lord
Death has no sting, no final word