
Blest Be the Tie that Binds - Blest Be the Holy Spirit

Listen: mp3


Date: Sermon Text :: notes
  • 07-20-08: :: mp3 (Robert WL; strange mix; a little faster tempo)
  • 04-06-08: :: mp3 (Robert WL; not real tight; full band)
  • 04-29-07: :: mp3 (Mike WL)  
  • 04-22-07: :: mp3 (Katie WL; piano arr. orig. tune, verse 2 only w/chorus)
  • 04-15-07: :: mp3 (Mike WL; slower tempo; full harmonies; lots o' synth)
  • Pre-2006: :: mp3 (Robert WL; Robert piano arr.; different main tune) **
Identifying Artist: arr. Robert Austell
