
All Who are Thirsty - As the Deer

Listen: mp3


Date: Sermon Text :: notes
  • 07-31-11: :: mp3 (D; piano, Katie WL; echo parts)
  • 06-26-11: :: mp3 (D; Katie WL; Robert harmony)
  • 11-09-08: :: mp3 (D; piano, synth)
  • 06-15-08: :: mp3 (D; bobby and christina, piano + gtr; echo; recorder part)
  • 09-30-07: :: mp3 (C; full WT w/perc)
  • 08-19-07: :: mp3 (D; Robert WL, guitar only at first, nice; clear harmonies and echo later)
  • 01-14-07: :: mp3 (with "As the Deer")
  • 10-22-06: :: mp3 (no bass; higher key E? than 01-14-07 above) 
  • 07-30-06: :: mp3 (F!; Mike WL; piano, bass, perc, harmonies)
Identifying Artist:
